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Castle Marrach's Wintry Fantasy

I awake, finding myself in a strange new place..
An eerie Castle filled with apparitions, courtly Sers and breathtakingly lovely Seras. Yet strangely unable to recall the past. Knowledge comes to those that seek, and I discover I owe my rebirth to the Imperial Majesty of Queen Vivienne. Her name becomes a prayer on my lips and an ache in my heart as I begin my journey to find my place within these walls. Long Live the Queen!

Addreama is a diminutive, curvaceous woman with with a full head of silky red hair that gleams in the firelight. Long and windblown,it flows down in a cascade that swirls teasingly about her hips and tapered back..glowing like muted fire against soft, creamy skin. She has a smooth brow and arched eyebrows that soar quizzically over almond shaped grey eyes, dainty sea-shell ears that peek from the tousled mane that frames her haunting face. Her laughter makes her snub nose wrinkle amusedly. A heart-shaped mouth made to be kissed, high cheeks, and a cleft chin invite closer inspections that cause her to shiver under the shadow of such bold attention.

Meeting many new friends, I slowly begin to unlock the mysteries of the Castle. Somehow bonds grow and shared dreams enmesh as me and my fellow denizens unite in our goals to serve the Queen uniquely and devotedly.

Gallantry and guile, laughter and tears..We drink from the cup of companionship that is flavored anew each day that dawns. Succored by dreams of a day we might advance to the Inner Bailey, the drama unfolds.
Lies and half truths endanger others' hopes as some choose a darker path to trod. Whispers and diversions weave webs of deceit that hold victims tightly til the beast comes to feed.
'Where will it all end?' I wonder, as the Forever Winter holds me tightly in Its icy fist. There is only silence within, and it incites me to continue to seek my destiny..some how..hidden within the cold stone walls of Castle Marrach.

Her last waking memory of her previous life leads Addreama to a Rememberer..where she relives a Past so hurtful and degrading she collapses sobbing against the One that guides her through the rocky fields of her mind.
Aghast to discover she commited the worst sin she can imagine, Addreama vows to help others in every way she can, seeking to make ammends with her own soul's guilt.
A slave to another's passions, she somehow held onto the inner flame that kept her soul from complete dispair. At a loss without her runes and tarot cards, she wanders trying to find a star to guide her once again.


ArtWork by Jennifer Janesko
She is one of the best Pin-up artist alive!

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